2 rounds
4min AMRAP of
10 deadlift 100/70
20/15 cal row
2min REST
4min AMRAP of
10 toes to bar
60 double under
2min REST
040624 TIISTAI
For time
10 wall walk
20 burpee pull-up
40 kb swing 24/16
80 walking lunge
5 wall walk
10 burpee pull-up
20 kb swing 24/16
40 walking lunge
Back squat
7 x 6 @80-90% of 6RM.
5 rounds w/ partner
10 russian twist 20/14
15 wallball 20/14
rest while partner completes a round
060624 TORSTAI
Bench press
3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3+
– Find a heavy set of 5 bench presses for the day.
– Use the same load for sets 4 and 5, but go for
more than 3 reps in that final set without pushing
to failure.
060624 TORSTAI
5min AMRAP
12 one arm db pushpress 22.5/15
6 ring dip
OTM 5: 6 power clean @50% 1rm
1min rest
OTM 5: 4 power clean @65%
1min rest
OTM 5: 2 power clean @80%
3 rounds for quality
8 snatch grip deadlift @85% 1rm snatch
10+10 one arm db row
10 barbell rollout
For time w/ partner
120 db one arm thruster 22.5/15
60 box over jump 60/50
3 rounds of running around the building (outside)
60 box over jump 60/50
120 db one arm thruster 22.5/15
split thrusters and burpees, both run