Partner workout
26min AMRAP
A. row
B. 1 round of
3+3 turkish get-ups
20 grasshoppers
12 overhead walking lunges
alternate between A. and B.
030522 TIISTAI
Squat clean + front squat
4 x 1+3
030522 TIISTAI
4 Rounds for time of:
10 squat cleans 42,5/30
20 sit-ups
on the minute for 25min
1. handstand walk / wall walk
2. toes to rings
3. inverted burpee
4. (legless) rope climb
5. rest
050522 TORSTAI
Partner workout
4 Rounds
21 db snatch 15/10
15 db one arm thruster
9 db one arm devils press
4 Rounds
21 db snatch 22.5/15
15 db one arm thruster
9 db one arm devils press
you go, I go
full rounds
behind the neck power jerk 3 x 5
behind the neck split jerk 3 x 5
every 2min for 4 rounds
3 power jerk @70-80%
3 seated box jump
every 2min for 4 rounds
3 split jerk @70-80%
3 box jump
A. 3 sets of:
1. ring support hold 5-15s
2. ring dip hold 5-15s
3. ring dip 3-8 reps
B. 10 rounds
1min ski, 30s rest
C. ring muscle-up technique
3 sets of muscle-ups
Hope for Refugees
STRENGTH 5.5 back squat
Back Squat
10 reps at 60% of your 1RM back squat.
8 reps at 70%.
8 reps at 75%.
8 reps at 80%.
Rest for 3-5 minutes
STRENGTH 5.5 bent over db row
Bent over Dumbbell Rows
5 x 12 reps at 70% of your 12RM tempo: 30X0.
Tempo 30X0: 3 sec down, 0 sec in the bottom, explosive up, 0 sec in the top.
Rest for two minutes between sets.
STRENGTH 5.5 bicep curl
Barbell Biceps Curl
3 x 15 reps at AHAFA. Rest for three minutes between sets.