
WOD for Monday, Jun 07, 2021


Pariskaba laji 1

4 Rounds
21 db snatch 15/10
15 db one arm thruster
9 db one arm devils press
4 Rounds
21 db snatch 22.5/15
15 db one arm thruster
9 db one arm devils press

you go, I go, full rounds

080621 TIISTAI

Partner workout
30min AMRAP
300m run
AMRAP ski (while partner runs)


Pariskaba laji 2

For time:
200 single-under
50 overhead squat 20/15kg
50/45/40 cal row
50 jumping pull-up
200 double-unders
50 overhead squats 42,5/30kg
50/45/40 cal row
50 pull-ups

split reps as you wish with your partner

100621 TORSTAI

on the minute for 5min
2 wallclimb
1min rest
on the minute for 5min
12 overhead/front rack reverse lunge

100621 TORSTAI

3 Rounds
2min AMRAP
6 strict handstand push-up / box hspu
12 weighted box step up 22.5/15
2min REST


tall snatch 4 x 2

snatch pull + snatch
3 x 1+3 @50% 1rm
3 x 1+2 @60% 1rm
3 x 1+1 @70% 1rm


3 Rounds
5-10s ring support hold
5-10s ring dip hold
10-20s l-sit hold

ring muscle-up technique

every 3min for 4 rounds
1-5 ring muscle-up / 3-7 ring dip
12 back extension
12 v-ups