
WOD for Sunday, Apr 23, 2023


3 rounds
5 min AMRAP
20 db hang c&j 22.5/15
20 box step overs w/ db 22.5/15
5min AMRAP
easy paced rowing

250423 TIISTAI

For total reps:
On the minute for 18min (3 min of each)
1-3: shoulder presses, ⅔ body weight
4-6: strict pull-ups
7-9: push presses, ⅔ body weight
10-12: strict pull-ups
13-15: push jerks, ⅔ body weight
16-18: strict pull-ups


tempo back squat
4 x 4 @50% 1RM (32×1)

4 Rounds for quality
10 good morning
8+8 one legged deadlift
3+3 turkish get-up

270423 TORSTAI

For time:
100 sit-up
80 back extension
60 v-up
in the beginning of each minute perform 5 burpees (starts with burpees)


every 2min for 4 rounds
2 tall snatch
3 high box jump

every 2min for 4 rounds
2 hi-hang snatch + 2 btn pushpress + 2 heaving
snatch balance

every 2min for 4 rounds
2 hang snatch + 2 snatch balance + 2 ohs


For time in teams of 3
15 rope climb
60 toes to rings
75 front squat 60/40
90 bar over burpee
75 front squat 60/40
60 toes to rings
15 rope climb

one works at a time, split reps