
041117 Lauantai

Deload week

Teams of three,
As many repetitions as possible in 20 minutes of:
180 double-unders
60 wallballs 20/14
60 hang power clean 50/35
60 push-ups

At double-unders, one must hold plank position. At wallballs one must hold the bar (50/35). At hang cleans one must be in the bottom of a squat. At push-up one must hang on the bar. One works the repetitions at a time.

Toni Koivula was 9th in Unbroken 2017 -competition. After a slow start from the Friday’s special events Toni was doing great on Saturday. Unfortunately an old injury surfaced during the semifinal and Toni had to withdraw from the competition.
Pic: Marko Vallius